Monday 5 March 2012


Welcome to SW4FOOD. 

We've set up this blog to cover our eating experiences in Clapham. There are some great restaurants, cafes and food shops in the area; we want to give them the credit and exposure they deserve. There are also some dreadful rip-off joints in Clapham; we'll be naming and shaming them as well.

We're not professional restaurant critics, or even professional writers. We have no formal qualifications at all in fact (much like real food critics). We like food and we are completely honest in our assessment of those places that charge us to eat their grub. All of the meals we write about are, unfortunately, paid for with our own money. Unlike Messrs Coren, Gill and Rayner, we do not have expense accounts or famous faces. Our experiences are real and our views are uninfluenced by the favouritism afforded to celebrity critics. And, frankly, when was the last time one of those guys came down to Clapham anyway?

So without further ado, let's tuck in.

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